Material name : []
1. Chemicals and company information
- A. product name : []
- synonym :
- B. Recommended use of the product and restrictions on its use
- Recommended use of the product :
- Limitations on use of the product :
- C. Supplier information
- Address : 13-37, Sansusandan 1-ro, Deoksan-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do
- Department : Warranty
- Emergency tel number : 031 - 495 - 4057 (weekday, 08:30~17:30)
- A. HAZARDS·RISKS Classification :
- 급성 독성 물질 경구 구분 4
- 심한 눈 손상 또는 자극성 물질 구분 2
나. Warning label items, including precautionary statements
- ○ Pictogram :
- ○ Signal word :
- ○ Hazard statement :
- H302 삼키면 유해함
- H319 눈에 심한 자극을 일으킴
○ Precautionary statements
- Prevention
- P330 입을 씻어내시오.
- P301+P312 삼켰다면: 불편함을 느끼면 의료기관/의사의 진찰을 받으시오.
- P305+P351+P338 눈에 묻으면: 몇 분간 물로 조심해서 씻으시오. 가능하면 콘택트렌즈를 제거하시오. 계속 씻으시오.
- P337+P313 눈에 자극이 지속되면: 의학적인 조치/조언을 받으시오.
- P501 폐기물 관련 법령에 따라 내용물/용기를 폐기하시오.
C. Other hazards and hazards not included in hazard classification(NFPA)
- Health
- Fire hazard
- Reactivity
3. Name and content of ingredients
- Chemical name :
- Common name and tinnitus :
- Number :
- Content : %
4. First aid measures
- A. When you get into your eyes :
- B. Contact with skin :
- C. When inhaled :
- D. When you eat :
- E. First aid and Doctor's notes :
5. Fire Fighting Measures
- A. Suitable (improper) extinguishing media :
- B. Specific hazards arising from chemicals :
- C. Protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighting measures :
6. How to deal with leakage accident
- A. Personal precautions and protective equipment :
- B. Actions necessary to protect the environment :
- C. How to purge or remove :
7. Handling and Storage Methods
- A. Safety Handling Tips :
- B. Safe storage :
8. Exposure prevention and personal protection
- A. Exposure limits for chemicals, biological exposure standards :
- B. Proper engineering controls :
- C. Personal protective equipment
- ○ Respiratory protection :
- ○ Eye protection :
- ○ Hand protection :
- ○ Body protection :
9. Physicochemical properties
- A. Exterior
- Appearance :
- Color :
- B. Smell :
- C. Odor threshold :
- D. pH :
- E. Melting/Freezing Point :
- F. Initial boiling point and boiling point range :
- G. Flash point :
- H. Evaporation rate :
- I. Flammability (Solid, Gas) :
- J. Upper / lower limit of burning or explosion range :
- K. Vapor pressure :
- L. Solubility :
- M. Vapor density :
- N. Importance :
- O. n-octanol / water partition coefficient :
- P. Auto ignition temperature :
- Q. Decomposition temperature :
- R. Viscosity :
- S. Molecular Weight :
10. Safety and Reactivity
- A. Chemical stability and potential for adverse reactions :
- B. Conditions to avoid :
- C. Substances to avoid :
- D. Hazardous materials generated during decomposition :
11. Toxicity information
- A. Information about possible routes of exposure :
- B. Health Hazard Information
- ○ Acute toxicity
- Oral :
- Percutaneous :
- Inhale :
- ○ Skin corrosive or irritant :
- ○ Severe eye damage or irritation :
- ○ Respiratory sensitization :
- ○ Skin sensitization :
- ○ Carcinogenicity
- Industrial Safety and Health Act :
- Labor Ministry Notice :
- IARC :
- OSHA :
- NTP :
- EU CLP :
- ○ Germ cell mutagenicity :
- ○ Reproductive toxicity :
- ○ Specific target organ toxicity (One impression) :
- ○ Specific target organ toxicity (Repeated impressions) :
- ○ Aspiration hazard :
12. Environmental Impact
- A. Ecotoxicity :
- B. Persistence and degradability :
- C. Biocompatibility :
- D. Soil mobility :
- E. Other harmful effects :
13. Disposal considerations
- A. Disposal method :
- B. Disposal considerations :
14. Information for transportation
- A. 유엔번호 :
- B. 유엔 적정 선적명 :
- C. 유엔 적정 선적명 :
- D. Safety measures you should know about shipping :
15. Legal regulations
- A. Regulation by the Industrial Safety and Health Act :
- B. Regulation by Chemical Substance Control Act :
- C. Regulation under the Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act :
- D. Regulation by waste management law :
- E. Other domestic and foreign regulations
- Domestic regulation :
- Domestic regulation :
16. Other notes
- A. Source of material
- ○ Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency MSDS
- ○ Korea Chemical Management Association Chemical Information
- ○ National Emergency Management Agency Chemical Information
- B. Date Created First :
- C. Number of revisions and date of last revision
- ○ Number of revisions :
- ○ Date of last revision :
- D. Etc
The updated MSDS is on the homepage. Print the latest MSDS from
This MSDS is based on the MSDS of Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA).
This MSDS does not guarantee the safe handling, use, storage, transportation and disposal of chemical substances or the use of each.